“No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” – Calvin Coolidge
Wounded Warrior Project Benefit Dinner announcement as of April 15 - Frank Denius will be the keynote
speaker! http://www.woundedwarriordinner.com/
This year I am doing some work with the Capital of Texas Triathlon which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this Memorial Day Weekend. Not only does this give me an opportunity to increase my knowledge of yet another segment of the cycling/multisport industry, but allows me the chance to support the Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project which is the beneficiary of CapTexTri.
The Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project is a partnership between Disabled Sports USA, its chapters and the Wounded Warrior Project, providing year round sports programs for severely wounded service members from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflict and the Global War on Terrorism.
Forty-one years of experience has shown early intervention with active sports results in successful rehabilitation, leading to employment. The “Wounded Warriors” and their family members are provided these opportunities free of charge, including transportation, lodging, adaptive equipment and individualized instruction in over a dozen different winter and summer sports.
Programs take place at sites throughout the United States of America offering Wounded Warriors the opportunity to integrate as participants and mentors in their home communities.
The Capital of Texas Triathlon wishes to honor those who have given so much for our country by building Memorial Day Weekend around the Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project. Starting off with a benefit dinner on Thursday May 27th, a proposed ride with wounded veterans on Saturday the 29th, and culminating with the Wounded Warrior Championship Race on Monday the 31st, this weekend is for them.
How can you or your company help our heroes?
Your company:
Event sponsorships (see brochure with demographic info)
Multisport and Fitness Expo
Sponsor a Wounded Warrior athlete to compete at CapTexTri
Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project Benefit Dinner (Thur. May 27th at the Austin Hyatt)
Corporate Table Sponsorship starting at $1,500 (recognition and table seating 10)
Donate items for raffle, live or silent auctions
Email Sponsorships@CapTexTri.com and please reference DareToBrand so I can follow up with
you directly.
You: If you live in Austin we need:
Volunteer committee members for CapTexTri
Volunteer committee members for Wounded Warrior Benefit Dinner
Email for committees at Sponsorship@CapTexTri.com and reference specific committee you can help
Race day volunteers (Memorial Day, Monday May 31st)
Register as race volunteer here http://captextri.com/triathlon-volunteer.php
I invite you all to take advantage of this opportunity with me to show our disabled service men and women how much they are appreciated. Our help can make a difference in their lives.
Please contact me direct at DareToBrand@gmail.com for detailed sponsorship information.
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